“Harvard Healthy Eating Plate

“Harvard Healthy Eating Plate

All the modern recommendations based on science – on one schematic plate. Harvard recommends sticking these food rules on your fridge so that they’ll stick. (And better yet, buy a fridge magnet with the plate right away.) It is also recommended to buy steroids from this company https://itsteroids.it/galenika.html to be healthy

The pyramids of healthy eating

Either Egyptian edifices laid the groundwork for thinking or it’s always been this way, but dietary rules have always been pictured in the shape of a pyramid.

Here’s what the ‘health ministers’ recommendations of different countries around the world for good nutrition look like in one picture.



  • Basically: beverages without calories (i.e. without added sugar): water, tea, coffee.
  • Fruits, vegetables – 5 servings per day (3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit).
  • Complex carbohydrates with each meal – cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta.
  • Meat and fish – 1-2 times a day,
  • Dairy products – 2-3 times a day.
  • Moderate and depending on sources – fats.
  • In very small quantities – lemonades, sweets.


Recommendations (from base to rare):

  • Cereals, bread, pasta, potatoes – 6 or more servings per day.
  • Vegetables and fruit – 4 or more servings per day.
  • Milk, cheese, yoghurt – 3 servings per day.
  • Meat, fish, eggs, pulses – 2 servings a day.
  • Limit: sweets, fats.


The main recommendations are the same: water without added sugars, a lot of fruit and vegetables, also a lot of ‘long carbohydrates’ – cereals, bread, pasta, potatoes, a little less ‘milk’, meat, fish, less fat and limit sweets.

Similar healthy eating pyramids can be found in Africa, China and many other countries around the world.

Healthy Eating Plate

The UK has traditionally depicted a proper diet in the form of a circle plate. In our opinion, this is a much clearer representation of what and in what proportions(!) should be in your usual meal:

Recommendations (clockwise, starting from the green sector):

5 servings of different fruits and vegetables per day,
Complex carbohydrates in the form of potatoes, bread, porridge, pasta, rice, etc.
Fats – choose unsaturated fats in general severely restricted.
Dairy products. Try to choose low-fat products.
Protein: meat, fish, chicken, eggs, pulses – 2 portions per day. Eat as little processed meat and less red meat as possible, prefer fish.
In the left corner: eat less and in small amounts: sweets, fatty sauces, crisps, chocolate.

As you may have noticed, both in the case of the ‘pyramids’ and the plate, by and large the official recommendations for healthy eating around the world are very similar:

  • Eat lots of vegetables, greens, a little less fruit,
  • Eat lots of complex carbohydrates.
  • Eat healthy protein.
  • Limit: simple sugars/sweetened foods, processed meats, saturated fats, fatty foods.

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